How to take Care of Your Curly Hair Routine

Curly hair is not easy to maintain whichever its shapes and colors. It is why we leave you these tricks to make you look your best! Read these articles to get to know the best shampoo for your hair, kirkland shampoo and cel md.

Untangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb

Better to do it after applying conditioner.

Cover the sink with a plastic wrap before untangling your hair

A film to stop the pipes from clogging up!

Instead of a towel, dry your hair with a cotton t-shirt

The softness of this t-shirt will help maintain the shape and moisture of your curls.

Curly hair

When you brush your hair, start at the ends and gradually work your way up to the root

It is ideal for knots.

If you are going to use a blow-dryer, use an air diffuser

Many professional dryers include the air diffuser; you can get it separately if not.

Mix conditioner with foam or modeling cream

You will keep the shape of your curls.